
Episode 37 – Glasses and Tassels

Charles, Jon, Megan, and Nick sit down to discuss burlesque, augmented and virtual reality, and just how helpful having Google Glass could be after too much partying. Seattle has a thriving burlesque scene, and several members of the Dorkadia staff have become fans of the art form. Nick is a fan of augmented reality and has written about Google Glass in the past and the possibilities it holds for the genre. He’s even gone so far as to become a member of the Google Glass Explorer Program. We’ll be hearing more about that in the future. In the meantime, have a listen to this week’s episode:

Our usual assorted links to help you guys make sense of what we’re talking about:

Table Topless!

Never Nude

Jesus la Pinga – Stippers of Catan

A game worth checking out: Gloom

Facebook page for Unnatural Redhead Productions

Because Nick mentioned Goatse

Blue Waffle

Apparently it’s possible to beat Morrowind in just over four minutes.

The Futurama eyePhone


As always, click to download the MP3 of this episode here: Episode 37 – Glasses and Tassels

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