
Guardians of the Galaxy: You need to go see it!

Yes, i’m a comic book movie fan girl, and everything I say here should be taken with a gran of salt, but believe me when I say, you need to go watch Guardians of the Galaxy! This movie is funny, it’s touching, it’s a big kick of plot that you’re going to need for further Avengers movies, and did I say funny? The funny is really important.


Look at Gamora, and tell me you don’t see Summer Glau as River?

I’ll be honest, I never really read much of the Guardians comics. I know who the characters are (wiki’d up before the movie to get some more back story), but i’m mostly in the same boat as people just going because they heard this was the movie to see. I found the barrier of entry very low to enjoy the movie not having years of comic book history under my belt, and pretty much laughed my ass off the entire movie! Here’s my two cents that everyone else is agreeing with: This movie is super funny. Groot is amazing even with only a few words of dialogue, Rocket reminds me of my brother when he was trying to be smart when we were kids, and Gamora was green and could easily of been played by Summer Glau, but Zoe Saldana kicks butt in the role as well. Get some drinks, take your friends and have a good time!

After I watched the movie I thought a little more about it, and why I really liked it. I think there are some key moments that are worth thinking about.

First up, That opening 10 minutes made me cry. For reals. I haven’t cried in the opening of a movie like that since I saw Up. Don’t let it deturr you, but do be prepared with hankies, or to yell at the people around you to stop cutting onions in the theater.

Second, Marvel couldn’t have found a better time to insert a movie that carries on the overriding plot of the Infinity Gauntlet, but let us all take a breather and laugh for a moment. Think about it – Avengers was two hours of giant explosions. Iron Man 3 has Tony Stark suffering pretty hard from PTSD. Captain America: Winter Soldier has his best friend coming back from the dead as an assassin, and triggers the overhaul of the only stability that Steve Rodgers knows in S.H.I.E.L.D. I’m not saying these aren’t enjoyable movies! I’m saying they are getting a little heavier on the heart every time you watch another one.

Guardians comes in with a bucket of laughs, a smart-ass raccoon, dancing tree, and a fat close up of Thanos himself.

I don’t think any of this was an accident by Marvel – I think they have been incredibly calculated in how they are executing these movies, and I was happy to give them my money opening weekend. I’d love to hear what you think if you’ve seen the movie so far!

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