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Where to find some geeky merch!

Now, I never really need a reason to go shopping on the magical internets, but I can always find a reason to buy something. Maybe new light saber chopsticks for my hair, a batman belt, or glow in the dark DC logo for my chucks… in this super short suggestion post, I want to share my favorite places to find where to look when browsing for some good geeky merch!


To start with an old favorite – ThinkGeek is a great one stop shop for a good selection of current nerdy fandom merchandice, as well as shirts books, and other things you never knew you needed. For example, I might need to order some more business cardef2c_han_solo_in_carbonite_business_card_holders, just so I can have something to put inside of their handy dandy (and surprisingly heavy) Han Solo in Carbonite Business Card Case.

I wouldn’t say that Think Geek is the cheapest shop around, but they are damn convenient as they cater to a pretty wide nerdly audience. Also, they have the TaunTaun sleeping bag. Which… I mean, how can you not want it? THE INSIDE PRINT OF THE SLEEPING BAG IS OF ORGANS AND THE ZIPPER PULL IS A LIGHTSABER. IT IS AMAZING. /caps

While they are more difficult to just browse pre determined lists of nerdy merch, another great site to find unique merch, is etsy. etsy-logo-xsokxgSeeing how this is a site for hand made or vintage items, you never really know what you’re going to find. For a shining example, (that I won’t lie, i’m seriously thinking of purchasing this now) is a hand made necklace with a Steampunk looking C3PO droid on a locket.

c3poSeriously, he’s wearing a top hat.  I hope this is still available when you guys read this in the morning, because I might need this “Gentleman Protocol Droid Pendant”. I digress though – Etsy is a fantastic site to find really unique items that people much more creative than I know how to make! It just takes time and a lot of will power not to just buy every protocol droid pendant you find on your first search. (Seriously, that’s adorable)


A little more browsing friendly, but not quite as nerdtastic as the previous two suggestions, I still recommend Archie McPhee as a fantastic resource for some fun. Their selection is vast… band-aids with Shakespearean insults, to inflatable unicorn horns for your cats, to a Bigfoot air freshener (really… do I want to know what bigfoot smells like?) and everything in between. Plus, if you happen to live in the city of Seattle like I do, you can check out their store and giggle at all the merch. Personally I can’t stop cracking up at the “Avenging Nahrwal: This narwhal is all that stands between us and penguin world domination!”.

Lastly, if you’re more like me and not often just randomly browsing sites to buy something, there are a few great blogs that find all this awesome stuff on the net and serve it up to your favorite RSS reader! My personal favorites are So Geek Chic, Fashionably Geek, and The Geeky Hostess (you sense a theme here!).

So happy shopping everyone! Giftmas is still another 7ish months away, so I don’t have any specific reason to go dump all my pennies at once on nerdy merch, but reasons always seem to find me! Do you have any geeky sites that you check out that i’ve missed? Let me know in the comments!  Cheers!

2 Comments on Where to find some geeky merch!

  1. Last time I was in the shop they had a very large selection of narwhals… there was narwhal vs. mime, narwhal vs. unicorn… Apparently everything you could need for your plastic narwhal action figure needs!

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